DansBlok and dance studio Tribes are hosting residencies for young, upcoming dance artists. Tribes will support through offering free rehearsal space, DansBlok will provide feedback and artistic counseling, work-in-progress-presentations, support with media and publicity. By providing a residency, we hope to remove barriers for artists who cannot afford to hire the space they need. We will be providing free space for over 80 hours throughout the specified residency period, al well as artistic support, opportunity to share research and ideas and publicity.

The residency supports contemporary artistic creation, stimulating research and development. We provide two full weeks of free rehearsal space in the beautiful dance studio of Tribes (9x9m) in the city center of Leiden, feedback moments and work-in-progress-presentations where you can invite your own audience.

Our previous artists-in-residence

April 4th-9th 2022: Margherita Bergamo Meneghini (Italy) with her work ‘Eve 3.0’
Nov. 16th-Dec. 4th 2020: Nathalie Vermeiren (Belgium) with her work ‘Alienated body’


Keep an eye on our website and socials to know when the next residency is announced. You can apply as a choreographer or collective / group. 

Danstraining DansBlok Header verkleind zwart wit bijgesneden


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