Datum 06 okt 2022 Expired! Tijd 09:30 - 10:30 Dance Training Contemporary DansBlok organiseert danstraining voor professionele dansers in Leiden.We organize weekly training for professional dancer6 oktober 2022 – Éryn NieuwintTime: 09:30 – 10:30 uur Location: Tribes, Haagweg 4, doorbel 4F5, LeidenPrice: €7,50 for a single class, €70,- for a 10-classes card**Go to Dance Training to buy a 10-Classes Card or book this class if you already have a Class Card.This is a shorter class, only 1 hour. We are currently in a rehearsal period and are using this class as our warming up. Book this className *E-mail *ClassDatum *Price * DansBlok Single Class (€ 7,50) Bedrag * € Paying Method * iDEAL Hierbij geef ik toestemming om het terugkerende bedrag periodiek van mijn rekening te incasseren. Totaal € Send Deel dit evenement The event is finished.